Okay so this is a similar topic to last week I suppose, but rather than being the books that people want me to read, it's the books I am going to read I just literally need to take the last step and actually purchase them.

I saw this book in Waterstones a while back and absolutely fell in love with the cover and synopsis. It sounds completely up my street! Since then I have gone to order it a fair number of times, yet something always seems to get in my way! I will order and read this book, mark my words. I just need to get round to acquiring it and I'll be well away!

This book first came to my attention when I joined the Blogosphere. It looked so creepy, with a really unique and exciting plot-line. I had to have it. And yet, I didn't. What can I say? I'm such a procrastinator it's unreal and unfortunately, book buying comes into that too. I have already decided this book is a must-read so it's just a case of when...

Another one that looks quite creepy but a really good series. I've seen it in multiple places: Goodreads, people's blogs, Amazon. The world is trying to get me to buy this book and I really want to. I just haven't got round to it yet!

Okay so this series is everywhere, and I understand that the latest addition to the series was out pretty recently. I haven't even read the first one yet. Not because I don't want to, but because I haven't actually got it to read! When I have bought it (and I will) I can't wait to get into this set of books!
5) 'Graceling'; Kristin Cashore.

I saw this book on my Amazon recommendations ages ago, after reading a Trudi Canavan book. My friend recommended it to me too, yet it would seem that seven years later it still has yet to reach my possession. Seriously, writing this book down made me realise that I really do have some kind of problem. I guess other books just got in the way, but I really hope to buy and read it soon!

I've only seen this book recently and the cover really caught my eye. I'm hearing that it's a Modern Classic,which intrigues me. But a classic Dystopian? Even more interesting! I really can't wait to get my hands on this book and give it a go, I really hope it's as good as I'm told!

Ahh Patrick Ness. An author I see everywhere and have completely fallen in love with, without reading a single one of his books! They all just look so good I really struggled to decide on my first pick. Having chosen this one I still have yet to actually buy it. Oops!

So I finally got round to reading 'The Hunger Games' a few months back. I really did enjoy it too and thought 'Wow, I can't wait to buy and read the next on!' And then...I didn't. I mean, haven't yet, because I plan to continue the series. It would be quite cool to get ahead of the films on this one!

I see this book everywhere! Why haven't I bought it yet? I have no idea! I don't think at this point people should even forgive me for my laziness and I completely understand that I'm a terrible person. I want to read this one, and soon.

The first in the series, 'Poison Study' was a recent read and I adored it. I obviously have a huge need to read the next one and find out what happens to all my favourite characters, but I haven't bought it yet! I wish I had enough time and money to afford all of these books right now and read them all without worrying about anything else. Wouldn't that be nice?
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