Weekly Wishlist #3
I've been really looking forward to this week's Wishlist post! I mentioned earlier in the week that I found something I wanted so much it was ridiculous! Finally, I get to share it, and all my other weekly picks, with you all! As usual, the pictures link to the items in question, so check them out!
1) 'The Cabinet Of Curiosities'; Guillermo Del Toro. I was going to do a big build up to this item but I couldn't even wait to do that. Guillermo Del Toro is one of my favourite Film Directors. And this? Only a book full of sketches, concept art, original ideas, etc. for all of his films. If you've not heard of him, he's the guy behind 'Pan's Labyrinth', the 'Hellboy' films, 'Mama', 'Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark', so many great films and I could go on. His take on Horror as a genre is just astonishing and he always puts a Fantasy spin on it which I love. So as soon as I heard this book existed, I wanted it. There's a Limited Edition version that is signed and includes some awesome extra memorabilia, but as much as I would love that, £500 seems a bit steep. The hardback book by itself is £25 - £30. Much better.

2) Mad Money (Colour - Sapphire), Poetic Licence. I saw these casual shoes this week online and absolutely fell in love with them. I'm a bit of a sucker for green and like it when the shoes stand out/look a bit different. Therefore, I've always been a bit of a fan of Poetic Licence designs (they're like marmite for me, I either love or hate them). I've never really been able to afford them though. If I could however, here's the ones I'd go for to start with! Gorgeous! As the weather's starting to improve, I thought I'd add something a bit more designed for Spring!
3) 'Frozen' DVD. I'm a bit of a sucker for Disney. In fact animated films in general I really enjoy, but Disney ones just always get my attention and I always look out for up and coming releases. I watched 'Frozen', their latest hit, in the cinema and just loved it! I have the Soundtrack which I can never stop singing and even Mat (who refuses to acknowledge any Disney films post-childhood) likes this one! It's being released on March 31st and I can't wait to get the DVD! The songs are catchy, the plot's pretty good and Olaf the Snowman just makes it.
4) 'The Book Thief' Soundtrack. I'm still on a high after seeing this film. It was so beautiful, very emotional, made me bawl my eyes out and above all, the score was sensational. John Williams is a wonderful composer, I've heard his work on many films and heard him get it right so many times. 'The Book Thief' was no exception and I would love to get my hands on the score and listen to it all day long. There is a potential side effect of it reducing me to tears with every play-through though so I'd have to watch out for that.
5) 'The Chaos Of Stars'; Kiersten White. I actually discovered this book on my Bloglovin' Feed this morning, in a post by Awkwordly Emma. Intrigued by the gorgeous cover art (seriously, look at it!), I brought up Goodreads and had a look at what it was about. As it turns out, it's a romance based around Egyptian Mythology! Perfect! I'm a bit of a sucker for learning about Myths, Fairy Tales, Legends, Folktales, etc. and as a result, Fiction books that include or are based upon them are normally something that I enjoy! It looks like a great read and it's on the list now!
Ta-dah! Another Wishlist complete! Seriously, I have so many ideas for these that I already can't wait till next week!
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