SOURCE: Goodreads Giveaway
TYPE: Paperback
TITLE: Days Of Blood & Starlight
AUTHOR: Laini Taylor
SERIES: Daughter Of Smoke & Bone (#2)
PUBLISHER: Hodder Paperbacks
PAGES: 518
GENRE: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
RATING: 5/5 Stars

Once, the lovers lay entwined in the moon's secret temple and dreamed of a world that was like a jewel-box without a jewel - a paradise waiting for them to find it and fill it with their happiness.
This was not that world.
What I Liked:
- Where to start? I really liked the pacing of this book, I felt like Taylor was a lot more comfortable with her writing style in this book. It flowed well, wasn't too slow that I got bored but wasn't so quick that I felt confused or lost at any point. Just right! It was broken up nicely so I felt like I was making good progress despite the length of the book! The plot-line was great and filled with some great twists and turns which kept me on the edge of my seat!
- The characters were beautifully written! So complex, deep every single one seemed to have a back-story and no-one faded into the background at all. I just loved reading each one, understanding their motives for their sometimes horrific actions. Taylor did a great job! My favourites were Zuzana and Mik. There isn't an awful lot of Karou/Akiva time in this installment (they spend most of the story apart) but Zuzana and Mik were more than worthy substitutes for the romantic in me! I think in some aspects I even prefer them! At the same time, they didn't dominate the story and I liked that a lot! Another perfect example? I didn't really like Liraz and Hazael last book, but Taylor developed them so well and really sold them to me as good characters in this one! I won't spoil, but I will say my heart broke a little at the end. That is all.
- Again I must applaud Taylor's imagination and attention to detail in her world building. She's got it all figured out and everything she described, I could see it in my mind's eye! This was one of my main loves from the other book, and she did it even better this time (which I didn't think was possible).
What I Disliked:
- Okay so in the last book I mentioned there wasn't enough Karou and Akiva development. I said I really wanted to see more from them in this one and I didn't get that, they spent a good majority of the book separated. At first I quite liked this development. There was a series of misunderstandings and a lot of understandable anger that lead to their separation and I felt that some time apart developed them more fully as individual character's in my mind. But I began to get a bit frustrated after a while. A lot of their problems could have been resolved if they (Karou in particular) could just stop being so secretive and stubborn. I think it was a necessary plot device but it began to grate a little. I really hope they completely come clean with each other in the beginning of the final book because otherwise I'm going to go mad!
Overall Conclusion:
Well I didn't quite get what I asked for after reading the first book, but this was such an amazing read that I couldn't not love it. Yes the lack of Karou/Akiva was frustrating but I still got my fill of romance with Zuzana and Mik (if anything happens to them I will not be happy...) and I was too busy focusing on the great story-line, characterisation, detail, and imagery to care. Thank you Laini Taylor for writing such an awesome series, I'm so glad I've got round to reading this one!
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