Weekly Wishlist #10
I'm finally getting round to posting this! I'm struggling a bit because I have woken with a pounding headache which no painkiller in the world seems to cure. So I won't make this too long.
1) A New Camera. This Thursday just gone, you are probably aware that I went to go and see McBusted, and it was here that I realised I had a bit of a rubbish camera. Not terrible, just not great. Of course I haven't gone out and picked a new model or anything like that, I would just really like one that could take some decent pictures.
2) 'Sign Of The Throne'; Melissa Eskue Ousley. This book, like most that appear on the Weekly Wishlist, has been on the TBR pile for a while. I want to read it so badly! The cover art is amazing and the plot concept looks so interesting! It also has a sequel, 'The Rabbit And The Raven'. I really need to actually get my hands on all of these books on my Book Wishlist, it's getting far too long and I still feel no closer to reading them!
3) 'The Boy That Never Was'; Karen Perry. I'm a bit of a sucker for stories that look a bit creepy, and this one looks so good! Having read a bit about it, it looks like it will be an emotional read, with plenty of crying involved. I normally try to avoid unhappy endings like the plague, but I feel like I need to confront this irrational fear, as I'm probably missing out on a vast number of really great books! This one has been highly reviewed so I hope I can get hold of it soon.
4) A New Music Player. Much like my camera, my current MP3 player isn't overly outstanding. In fact, I much favour listening to music through my phone which not only drains battery but takes up stupid amounts of space. I really need to get out of this habit! I would really like to get myself a good one, with a long battery life and plenty of space to listen to all my favourite songs on!
5) 'Alias Hook'; Lisa Jensen. I realise that this Wishlist is a bit book dominated but I couldn't not include this one! I love Fairy Tales and their retellings, and this looks like it could be a great adaption of J.M.Barrie's 'Peter Pan'. Captain Hook has always been an intriguing character to me, I have high hopes for it! I've requested it off of Netgalley, so fingers crossed!
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