Crossover Books:
- 'Tithe'; Holly Black: This is the book I am currently reading. Though I started it in March, I will finish it in April so it goes in this section! It has been on my radar for a while and I'm enjoying it so far, so I look forward to that review!
Books I Will Read:

- 'The Invention Of Wings'; Sue Monk Kidd: This marks my first Kindle read, and I absolutely cannot wait to get started! I've mentioned this before, but I won this book from a Giveaway hosted by Bibliobrat and it looks like a really good read!
- 'A Certain Slant Of Light'; Laura Whitcomb: Remember this one? It's the book that I spent days trying to remember the name of before finally figuring it out! I bought it immediately, and I look forward to finally getting to read it.
- 'The Hunger Games'; Suzanne Collins: This is a book that I am certain I should have read a very long time ago. But better late than never, right? If the movies are anything to go by, this is going to be an amazing book to read!
- 'Days Of Blood And Starlight'; Laini Taylor: Having read the first book in this series and thoroughly enjoying it, it's time to get into the second one. I won this particular one in a Goodreads Giveaway (what a stroke of luck!) And I'm really looking forward to revisiting Karou and Akiva!
- 'Poison Eaters And Other Stories'; Holly Black: Ooh now this is different! A book of short stories? It's for a challenge, and seeing as I'm currently reading 'Tithe' I thought I'd get another Holly Black book in there! This will be another Kindle read!
- 'The Ruby Slippers'; Keir Alexander: Another Goodreads 'First Reads' win, this one I am very excited about! The story looks so intriguing, I love the cover art, and I am just getting good vibes about this one. Fingers crossed!
Books I Would Like To Get Through:

- 'Cinder'; Marissa Meyer: So this is another one of those books that everyone has raved about and I need to read. I am a bit of a sucker for Fairy Tales and this looks like a very intriguing concept! So excited!
- 'Stardust'; Neil Gaiman: I made a promise that I would read some Gaiman and this is the month to do it! I've heard many good recommendations for his books, and he's pretty much an icon in the Fantasy Genre so I really should have read his work a long time ago. I'll be reading this one on the Kindle.
- 'Under Fishbone Clouds'; Sam Meekings: So I mentioned on a Weekly Wishlist of mine that I would love to get Meekings' other book, 'A Book Of Crows'. While I would still love to read that, this one was only £0.99 on the Kindle, not to mention I was desperate to read it too. The cover is beautiful, and the plot concept is rooted in Chinese Myth! Perfect!
- 'Stealing Phoenix'; Joss Stirling: I read the first in this series, 'Finding Sky', not very long ago. I loved it a lot, and so naturally I am eager to crack on with the second book! I am looking forward to seeing what else Stirling has to offer!
- 'The Fault In Our Stars'; John Green: Why haven't I read this book yet? I know I'm not the only one, but it's time that I did. April is going to be a bit of a catch-up month for me. Luckily, I'm up for the challenge! This highly reviewed book is one I'm very much looking forward to, though I hope I don't cry too much.
- 'The Wise Man's Fear'; Patrick Rothfuss: Ahh Patrick Rothfuss. Many a fond memory I have of his first book, 'The Name Of The Wind' which was truly a masterpiece! I have put off reading this Epic Fantasy for far too long. Yes you probably recognise it from last month's planned reads, but I was far too busy to handle such a long book and if I'd have started it, I would never have read all the books I actually managed to in the end. It's time to tackle the beast!
Extra Challenges:

- 'Alanna: The First Adventure'; Tamora Pierce: I had this re-read on last month's list, but of course, never got round to it. I want to read every Tamora Pierce book over again set in the Tortall Kingdom before getting onto the one series I never got round to reading. So this is the book to start with and if I get time this month, I will read it.
- 'The Shock Of The Fall'; Nathan Filer: Everything about this book, and the prospect of reading it, excites me! It's been so highly reviewed and talked about, and I finally got my hands on a copy on Sunday, so I don't really think I can wait much longer before reading it!
- 'Fearless'; Tim Lott: This is another one of those books that a long time ago piqued my interest, and now I'm going to read it. Only as an extra challenge if I get time, but hopefully I will because it looks so good!
Whoa. So after last month's slight failure on my part, you must all think I'm barmy to include so many books here. Or maybe some of you are thinking 'only 16 books?'! The thing is, I'm a little unsure of my own reading ability at the moment. Books that I think will take me ages take me no time at all, and vice versa. So I thought I'd set an uncomfortably high amount here and see how far I get! I'm not piling any kind of pressure on myself that I must finish all of these books, but if I did, that would be great!
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