Thursday 15 May 2014

Life Of A Blogger: '101 Things I Love'.

Let's hope I can think of this many!
  1. My family.
  2. My gorgeous boyfriend.
  3. My friends.
  4. Reading.
  5. Singing.
  6. Pretending I can dance.
  7. The Theatre.
  8. Watching films.
  9. The colour green.
  10. Foxes.
  11. Cats (big and small).
  12. Tea.
  13. Coco pops.
  14. Chocolate.
  15. Biscuits (especially bourbons).
  16. Mild curries.
  17. Pasta.
  18. Milk.
  19. Hot chocolate.
  20. Sunny days.
  21. Video games.
  22. Blogging!
  23. Replying to comments.
  24. Listening to music.
  25. Film scores/soundtracks.
  26. Driving.
  27. Forests.
  28. Shopping (especially for books).
  29. Watching Youtube videos.
  30. The Sims.
  31. Snuggling in hoodies.
  32. Cuddles.
  33. Kisses.
  34. Mythical creatures.
  35. Ancient History.
  36. Folklore, myths and legends.
  37. Fairy-tales.
  38. Knee-high boots.
  39. Marvel films.
  40. Villains.
  41. Tom Hiddleston.
  42. Jennifer Lawrence.
  43. Stephen Fry.
  44. Maggie Smith.
  45. Emma Watson.
  46. Benedict Cumberbatch.
  47. Sherlock.
  48. The Big Bang Theory.
  49. Shakespeare.
  50. Puzzle solving.
  51. Laughing.
  52. Being patriotic.
  53. My 'Nightmare Before Christmas' mug.
  54. Cuddly toys.
  55. When the sky is pretty.
  56. Writing.
  57. When people are polite.
  58. Feeling supported.
  59. Being stress-free.
  60. Solitude.
  61. The internet.
  62. Being spoilt occasionally.
  63. Learning things.
  64. Overcoming something.
  65. Finally finishing a piece of work that has stressed me out.
  66. Presents.
  67. A quiet night in.
  68. Massages.
  69. Being treated with respect.
  70. Monopoly.
  71. Disney movies.
  72. Animated films.
  73. Musicals.
  74. Anime/Manga.
  75. Harry Potter!
  76. Twitter.
  77. Facebook.
  78. Tumblr.
  79. Reading on the train.
  80. Being approved on Netgalley/Edelweiss.
  81. The idea of travelling to far off places.
  82. Using my imagination.
  83. Holidays.
  84. Christmas.
  85. Easter.
  86. Chats with my sister.
  87. London.
  88. Canterbury.
  89. Pluckley.
  90. Tamora Pierce.
  91. Fantasy.
  92. Horror.
  93. Unique ideas.
  94. Florence & The Machine.
  95. Lana Del Rey.
  96. Sweet things.
  97. Animals.
  98. Researching topics that interest me.
  99. Taking part in challenges.
  100. The blogosphere.
  101. My phone.
Wow so that actually didn't take as long as I thought. I have no doubt that thinking of '101 Things Hate' next week will be a lot harder though!

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