Life Of A Blogger: 'Bucket List'
I love topics like these, there are so many things that I would love to do if I ever got the opportunity and so I'll just give you a list of some of the big ones!
First, travel. I have mentioned this in a previous 'Life Of A Blogger' post on the topic, but I would love to (if I ever raised the funds) travel to America and Japan. And I don't mean for a week's holiday, I mean really travel around those places and see all of the sights. They both look like such amazing countries (in completely different ways) and it would be so great to get to go! There are so many awesome things to see/do in both countries! America of course has Disneyland, San Diego Comic-Con, Broadway, all sorts! And I have always wanted to see Mt. Fuji and the pink cherry blossom trees in spring, and visit the Studio Ghibli museum! While I'm on the subject, I would even like to explore a bit more of Europe. I've seen very little of the world outside of England and I think it would be awesome to be able to do so!
Next on the list? Meeting some of my idols of course! Now I've already made a start on this particular one, Tom Hiddleston is probably my biggest idol and I have actually met him (albeit briefly) after I watched him in 'Coriolanus' in London! He was such a Gentlemen and very kindly signed my programme but of course I would love to get the chance to meet him properly one day. As well as that, if I ever got to meet Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, Benedict Cumberbatch, Stephen Fry, etc. (the list could really go on for a long time) I would be a very happy girl! As well as my favourite actors/actresses I think it would be awesome to meet Florence Welch from Florence & The Machine or Lana Del Rey and I would love to meet some of my favourite Movie Directors, Guillermo Del Toro or Tim Burton. And don't even get me started on my bookish idols, meeting Tamora Pierce, Laini Taylor, Patrick Rothfuss, Holly Black etc. would probably make my life!

On a more personal level I guess, I really want to get married and have children. This is probably one wish many people will have (or maybe not, who knows!) but a nice house, a good job, beautiful children and a loving husband are definitely on the bucket list. Maybe not right away (I haven't even moved out yet) but at some point that would be nice!
Now, what's next? Be successful! I really want to be a writer. That's not been any great secret as I've written this blog but I really want to be good at it! So one of my Bucket List wishes is to do well in the thing that I love. That does also include becoming a successful blogger too, I am really proud of my achievements so far and only want my luck and achievements to grow! If I could, I think it would be awesome to write scripts alongside books (the performer in me coming out here), for plays, games or films! I don't ask for much do I?
These are really only a few of the things on my list but I couldn't possibly list every one that would just take forever! I can't wait to read everyone else's lists! Next week's topic is 'Pet Peeves'. Oh goodness that could be a long one!
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